rnn_bachelor_thesis / Report / New Version / text / title-BA-thesis-SL.tex
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% Header ---------------------------------------------------
%\centerline{\large University of Zurich\texttt{} (UZH)}
%\ifthenelse{\boolean{pdflatex}}% Logo format choice
%{\vspace*{-2.7cm}\mbox{\!\!\!\includegraphics[width=.14\textwidth]{lhcb-logo.pdf}} & &}%
\vspace*{-1.2cm}\mbox{\!\!\!\includegraphics[width=.28\textwidth]{figs/logo/uzh_logo.jpg}} & &%
% & & CERN-EP-20XX-YYY \\  % ID 
% & & LHCb-PAPER-20XX-YYY \\  % ID 
 & & \today \\ % Date - Can also hardwire e.g.: 23 March 2010
% & & \\
% not in paper \hline


% Title --------------------------------------------------
  Particle track reconstruction using a recurrent neural network at the $\mu \rightarrow eee$ experiment


% Authors -------------------------------------------------
\textit{Bachelor thesis of}

Sascha Liechti 


	\textit{Supervised by}
	Prof. Nicola Serra
	Dr. Patrick Owen	



% Abstract -----------------------------------------------




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%% Author List ----------------------------
%%  You need to get a new author list!
%The author list for journal publications is provided by the Membership Committee shortly after 'approval to go to paper' has been given.
%%It will be made available on the page
%%\verb!! .
%It will be sent to you by email shortly after a paper number has beens assigned.
%The author list should be included already at first circulation, 
%to allow new members of the collaboration to verify whether they have been included correctly.
%Occasionally a misspelled name is corrected or associated institutions become full members.
%In that case, a new author list will be sent to you.
%In case line numbering doesn't work well after including the authorlist, try moving the \verb!\bigskip! after the last author to a separate line.
%The authorship for Conference Reports should be ``The LHCb
%  collaboration'', with a footnote giving the name(s) of the contact
%  author(s), but without the full list of collaboration names.
